Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Perfect Times to Walk Out of a Job Interview

Perfect Times to Walk Out of a Job InterviewPerfect Times to Walk Out of a Job InterviewLets face it. The hiring process is an imperfect demon that often leads to job interviews for work that is completely wrong for you. Unfortunately, you also have times when job interviews make you want to get up and leave, politely of course.Instead of toughing it out at your next pointless job interview, read these perfect times to walk out. Sometimes, walking out is doing everyone a favor while making a great impression.When the job is the complete opposite of what was describedIt happens. Somewhere between the online job posting, networking, and the recruiter, the job details get lost. Suddenly, you find out the pay is terrible, the job title is misleading, and the requirements have changed.Classy move Quietly let them know this is not the job for you. Thank them for their time and leave.When you find out the job is a scamThe job you found online called for a Director of Corporate Development w ith a pay range of $100K-$150K. You go to the job interview and get pitched a geschftlicher umgang idea for a company. Then, it turns out the salary was the estimated guess of the person who posted the job. Simply put, you were lied to in order to get you in for an interview. Dont expect things to get better from there.Classy move Let them know you are not interested and leave.When the interviewer asks inappropriate questionsThe job interview is going well. Suddenly, the interviewer asks you questions about your age, weight, marital status, or starts making vulgar, suggestive comments. Bailout and leave. This interviewer has the business sense of a caveman and is clearly unaware of EEOC laws. If you do not sue the company, somebody else will and this is not the company you want on a resume.Classy move Thank the interviewer for his/her time and leave.When you see the company will be a harte nuss immediatelyYou show up for the job interview and the receptionist is rude. The place smel ls funny and does not look clean. Employees are arguing. You sense tension as people point and whisper at you. It is probably a good idea to pretend this interview never happened.Smart move Just leave. Pretend you never showed up. You can see the place is toxic. It is best not to associate with anything that leaves you feeling sick from a 1st impression.When the companys service offends youLets say you are an animal rights activist. You go to a job interview only to find out the company has a fur trading business under its umbrella.Classy move Hey, be honest with yourself. You should have done your company research, first, before applying. Let them know the job description is a bit different from what you had expected and thank them for their time.When there was a miscommunicationSometimes job titles change and even though you are a Customer tafelgeschirr Manager, for example, you thought Customer Success Manager was the same thing. The hiring manager describes the job to you and yo u find out it is a sales role. No worries at all. This happens as businesses change job titles to attract employees with certain skills.Classy move Let them know you were not aware Customer Success Manager is a sales role. State the type of skills you do have and let them know you would still like to work for the company, but you know this is not the position for you.You made your great impression by showing class, poise, business judgment, and an attitude that screams, Company comes first. They will also remember you for saving them time by ending the interview.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

10 Ways to Make the Worst Impression at a Job Interview

10 Ways to Make the Worst Impression at a Job Interview10 Ways to Make the Worst Impression at a Job InterviewEveryone wants to make the best impression when they are interviewing for a job, but it can be easy to mess up. In some cases, what youve done wont be critical and youll get a pass. After all, employers expect applicants to get nervous and a case of the job interview jitters shouldnt cost you a job offer. Other things can make your interviewer decide that youre not the right person for the job, and its time to move on to the next candidate.What can make a really bad impression at a job interview? Here are some things that you should avoid doing if you want to move forward in the hiring process. They are all easily avoidable, so review the list and make koranvers none of them happen to you.Review these tips for how to make the worst impression at an interview, so you dont end up on the bad applicant list. 01Arrive Late or Not at AllCopyright Photographer Nick Measures/Moment/G etty ImagesEven though you have told the interviewer you want the job, say it again in writing. Take the time to send a thank you note or email message after you get home from the interview. If the hiring decision is going to be made soon, send an email follow up message.Otherwise, consider a handwritten thank you note (employers like them) or letter. Heres information on the best ways to follow up after a job interview.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

How to Start a Petting Zoo Business

How to Start a Petting Zoo BusinessHow to Start a Petting Zoo BusinessA petting tiergarten can be a fun and profitable business opportunity for animal lovers. Legal Considerations Be sure to take out any licenses or permits required by federal, state, or local government agencies. It is wise to begin by researching requirements with the Department of Agriculture, local zoning boards, and local licensing boards before setting out to develop a petting zoologischer garten in any particular locale. It is critical that your business has a liability insurance policy to protect against injury claims from park visitors. Animals can be unpredictable, and even the most docile animal can strike out when it feels threatened. Liability insurance will protect you and your park against lawsuits. Location A petting zoo generally requires the use of ten acres (or more) for proper planning. The more animals you plan to have, the more room you will need. You should locate your petting zoo withi n a reasonable driving distance from a city or large town to generate sufficient customer traffic. Extremely rural petting zoos will usually not generate enough revenue to stay in business. Animals Petting zoos may include a wide variety of animals. Common choices include horses, ponies, sheep, goats, cows, donkeys, deer, alpacas, giant tortoises, pot-bellied pigs, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens, ducks, and geese. Larger animals will need to be separated from guests behind fences, and they will require close monitoring when interactions take place. Some petting farms also feature free flight aviaries (where tropical birds interact with guests) and fish ponds with koi. Animals should be purchased from reputable breeders, farms, or other petting zoos. It is important to give each animal time to adjust to their new surroundings, and to be sure that the animals selected for the zoo are reasonably well mannered and tolerant of the attention they will be receiving. Facilities A pe tting zoo should be safely enclosed with a network of fences and gates to prevent animal escapes. Areas that are off-limits to the public should be clearly marked. Rules for visitor conduct and safety should also be clearly posted on signs near each animal enclosure. The facilities for the animals should include both display areas (where animals can interact with visitors) and areas that are restricted from public access. It is also important to have areas where you can quarantine any sick animals or those about to give birth. Adequate shade is another important feature for both the animals and the patrons of the zoo. The facilities for visitors should include a concessions area, bathroom facility, safe paths for walking between exhibits, paved or gravel parking areas, and seating areas. Golf carts, trucks, trailers, and farm equipment will be necessary to move animals and supplies. Larger parks often offer train rides around the park. Staff Depending on the scale of your operat ion, you may need to hire additional full or part-time staff to clean up after the animals, give food and water, sell tickets or concessions, operate the gift shop, perform general park maintenance, and supervise guests as they interact with the animals. Most petting zoos are run as a family business or with hired help- they are rarely a one-person endeavor. It is not necessary to have a veterinarian on site but you should contract with a local vet to provide care for your animals when necessary. Cost of Admission The cost of admission may vary based on the size of the petting zoo and what is offered, but in general, the cost of daily admission will range from $8 to $15 per person. There may be additional fees for animal feed, pony rides, train rides, or other activities. Discounts are frequently offered for days with less visitor traffic (like Mondays and Tuesdays). Marketing It is important to market a petting zoo to the target audience children and their parents. Schools, d aycares, scouting groups, and other such groups may also be interested in taking their students on field trips to your location. The best places to spend your advertising dollars will be local newspapers and magazines. Online ads also are a great way to get the word out about your business. Another way to advertise is to create a webpage with all the relevant details about the petting zoo including hours, cost, and any additional activities that might be available (such as birthday parties on site or bringing animals to a clients party location). A newsletter or printable coupons should also generate interest. You should also consider donating tickets to charities or offer a discounted rate to large school groups to generate patron traffic.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Tips for Successfully Managing a Merger

Tips for Successfully Managing a MergerTips for Successfully Managing a MergerMerger mania is a rage that is not abating. As the business world continues to find like-minded organizations bent on success contingent on complementary abilities, successful managers must learn how to manage through the turmoil of change. While much has been written about the financial aspects of merging companies,far less attention has been paid to the human element. In order for a newly-founded company of two to thrive and prosper, management has to be skilled at working with all the people involved in the newfound operation. Key Elements of Company Merger Success In the Ottawa Citizenonline article Managing post-merger consolidation, human resources guru Jeffrey Sonnenfeld says Take at least as much time as you spend with your financial analysts and spend it with your employees. People care about where they work. Make them strategic partners. Get People to Talk.Get people in both the merging compan y and the company being absorbed together as early as possible. Openly and frankly discuss the perceived benefits of the merger. If Company A has strength in sales and they are absorbing Company B because of CompanyBs distribution network, make sure the distribution people with Company A listen to (and learn from) Company Bs distribution people. Likewise, Company Bs sales force needs to listen to, and benefit from, the salespeople with Company A. Cut Staff.Despite your best efforts to make your employees strategic partners invested in the business, there will be overlap. unfortunately, youll probably need to reduce the number of people working for the new company because of the cost savings inherent in combining redundant tasks. The idea is to let go of those individuals least equipped to contribute to the new organization while retaining those best equipped. Make sure the evaluation of best looks at both companies people equally. After all, you dont want to lose a great part from C ompany B so you can keep a mediocre person from Company A. Be Honest.We all appreciate the frankness and while its painful to find out that youll be out of a job, its much kinder to hear about it upfront than to find simply find a pink slip in your next paycheck. People Drive the Company.The article Mergers and Acquisitions The Human Equation from The Change Management Group says Progressive corporations have realized that a merger is in name only without the positive support of the newly acquired human resources. Merging two companies with their different policies, procedures, and culture creates stress for all involved. The survivors from both companies have to deal with new people, new procedures, possibly more work, and the loss of co-workers who had becomeYou need to be realistic in your workflow planning. Plan for people to be less productive than normal as they deal with the changes. Expect to lose some good people who are not comfortable with the new organization. Give yours elf and your department time to work through the changes and get back up to full speed. Departmental Perspectives A merger affects different functions differently. Each function is important to the success of a merger. Consider the way a merger affects ansicht other departments and then use those lessons to minimize the same effects in your department. IT/IS/MIS Merged companies may need to get their systems harmonized in record time, and smooth integration of operations can be critical to the companys new public image.Human Resources/HR/Personnel The first issue to resolve is whether to combine your companys plan with the merging companys. Your answer in most cases will be yes.Product Management/Operations/Marketing It should be noted that after a major merger, the product management function in the controlling bank is usually knocked off stride a bit. Walk the Talk Engaged managers truly believe that people are their most important assetand need to treat them as such. A m erger, or an acquisition, gives managers an opportunity to do well by their people by being honest with them, keeping them informed, and giving them all the information they can as early as they can. If you keep these things in mind, youll keep more of the good people from both Company A and Company B.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Article IV of the Military Code of Conduct

Article IV of the Military Code of ConductArticle IV of the Military Code of ConductIf I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way. Article 4 of the Military Code of Conduct(CoC)outlines how the U.S. Military expects its officers and enlisted members to behave as a prisoner of war (POW). It reads Officers and noncommissioned officers shall continue to carry out their responsibilities and exercise their authority in captivity.Informing, or any other action detrimental to a fellow POW, is despicable and is expressly forbidden. POWs especially must avoid helping the enemy to identify fellow POWs who may have knowledge of value to the enemy and who may be made to suffer coercive interrogation.Strong leadership is essential to discipli ne. Without discipline, camp organization, resistance, and even survival may be impossible. Personal hygiene, camp sanitation, and care of the sick and wounded are imperative.Wherever located, POWs should organize in a military manner under the senior military POW eligible for command. The senior POW (whether officer or enlisted) in the POW camp or among a group of POWs shall assume command according to rank without regard to Military Service. The senior POW cannot evade that responsibility and accountability.When taking command, the senior POW shall inform the other POWs and shall designate the chain of command. If the senior POW is incapacitated, or is otherwise unable to act for any reason, the next senior POW shall assume command.Every effort shall be made to inform all POWs in the camp (or group) of the members of the chain of command who shall represent them in dealing with enemy authorities. The responsibility of subordinates to obey the lawful orders of ranking American mili tary personnel remains unchanged in captivity.U.S. policy on POW camp organization requires that the senior military POW assume command. The Geneva Convention on POWs provides additional guidance to the effect that in POW camps containing only enlisted personnel, a prisoners representative shall be elected.POWs should understand that such an elected representative is regarded by U.S. policy as only a spokesperson for the senior POW. The prisoners representative does not have command, unless the POWs elect the senior POW to be the prisoners representative. The senior POW shall assume and retain actual command, covertly if necessary.Maintaining communications is one of the fruchtwein important ways that POWs aid one another. Communication breaks down the barriers of isolation that an enemy may attempt to construct and helps strengthen a POWs will to resist.Each POW, immediately upon capture, shall try to make contact with fellow POWs by any means available and, thereafter, shall conti nue to communicate and participate vigorously as part of the POW organization.As with other provisions of the CoC, common sense and the conditions in the POW camp shall determine the way in which the senior POW and the other POWs structure their organization and carry out their responsibilities. What Military Personnel Need to KnowAbout Article 4 Understand that leadership and obedience to those in command are essential to the discipline required to effect successful organization against captor exploitation. In captivity situations involving two or more POWs, the senior ranking POW shall assume command all others shall obey the orders and abide by the decisions of the senior POW regardless of differences in Military Service affiliations. Failure to do so shall result in the weakening of organization, a lowering of resistance, and, after repatriation, may result in legal proceedings under the Uniform Code of Military Justice(UCMJ). Understand that faith, trust, and individual gro up loyalties have great value in establishing and maintaining an effective POW organization.Understand that a POW who voluntarily informs or collaborates with the captor is disloyal to the United States and fellow POWs and, after repatriation, is subject to disciplinary action under the UCMJ for such actions.Be familiar with the principles of hygiene, sanitation, health maintenance,first aid, physical conditioning, and food use. It shall include recognition and emergency self-treatment of typical POW camp illnesses by emergency use of primitive materials and available substances (e.g., toothpaste, salt, and charcoal). Such knowledge exerts an important influence on POW ability to resist and assists an effective POW organization. Understand the importance of, and the basic procedures for, establishing secure communications between separated individuals and groups of POWs attempting to establish and maintain an effective organization.Be familiar with the major ethnic (to include racia l demographics), cultural and national characteristics of the enemy that may affect POW-captor relationships to the detriment of individual POWs and the POW organization.Understand that an informer or collaborator should be insulated from sensitive information on POW organization, but members of the POW organization should continually encourage and try to persuade the collaborator to cease such activities. Welcoming a repentant collaborator back to the fold is generally a more effective POW organizational approach than continued isolation, which may encourage the collaborator to continue such disloyal conduct.Understand that there is a significant difference between the collaborator who must be persuaded to return and the resister who, only after having been physically or mentally tortured, complies with a captors improper demand (such as to provide information or a propaganda statement). The collaborators conduct is reprehensible and cannot be sanctioned, whereas the resistor shoul d be given help to gather strength and resume resistance. Understand that in situations where military and civilian personnel are imprisoned together, the senior military POW should make every effort to persuade civilian prisoners that theMilitary Servicemembers assuming overall command leadership of the entire prisoner group, based upon experience and specific training, is advantageous to the entire prisoner community.Understand the need for, and the mechanics of, establishing an effective covert organization in situations where the captor attempts to prevent or frustrate a properly constituted organization. Special Provisions for Medical Personnel Chaplains Medical personnel shall not assume command over nonmedical personnel and chaplains shall not assume command over military personnel of any branch. Military Service regulations that restrictthe eligibilityofthosepersonnel for command shall be explained to all personnel at an applicable level of understanding to preclude la ter confusion in a POW camp. Heres information about prisoner of war exchanges. Overview of the Other Articles of the Code of Conduct Article1Article 2Article 3Article 4Article 5Article 6

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Rsume - the Conspiracy

Rsume - the Conspiracy Ok, I Think I Understand Rsume, Now Tell Me About Rsume For others, you might require an entirely new resume. While all resumes should offer information on your work and education experience, together with your abilities and accomplishments, there are various ways to present this info. The aim of a resume is to highlight your skills, experience and accomplishments that are relevant to the role you wish to be in. Ensure you highlight technical wisdom and certifications. In many instances, your resume is the very first document a hiring manager will examine when reviewing your program, and therefore is a real first impression. It isnt your work history or a duplicate of your job description. Take a look at the list below, and get prepared to make your resume way more exciting. Below, you will locate a list of resume examples that could assist you with your work search. Employers may also search for you on other social networking tools, like Facebook, Twitter and blogs. Career experts advise that you customize your resume for each job, especially at the start of your resume. This is a huge means to uncover stronger ways to spell out your experience or maybe to steer clear of overused words. In the verfaulen post, were featuring the finest modern resume vorlages that will assist your resume get noticed by recruiters and allow you on your journey to a brand-new job. Your resume is among the most essential parts of your job application. The piece you truly need the hiring manager reading is your latest work experience (and be sure you tailored that info to fit the work description). If you dont supply the info needed for the hiring agency to learn your qualifications, you may not be considered for the job. There are plenty of jobs available within this exciting field. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the substantial cost saving in contrast to traditional hiring methods. There are lots of basic forms of resumes used to make an application for job openings. Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that can help you get your fantasy job. Applicants are somewhat more confident to reject work offer in place of a better one. When failure rears its ugly head, some individuals get somewhat paranoid and fear this may grow to be a trend. Its also important to think about the type of work you genuinely are interested in being hired to do. This collection could potentially save a great absprache of hours for everybody Every individuals resume looks slightly different. Want to Know More About Rsume? You should organize your resume to assist agencies evaluate your experience. The medical industry can be quite competitive. Unique kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with a number of the very same skills. The fact remains, you dont have any method of knowing the precise keywords hiring businesses and recruiters use. What you exclude is at least a s critical as what you include. Resunate utilizes a 10-point compatibility scale rather than a proportion. In some fields, employers will expect to find a resume with a particular format, which might differ than these samples. Many employers cross-reference your resume to your on-line presence. You cant just trick the ATS into believing youre the very best applicant since you included a lot of keywords on your resume. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously offer you an advantage. However much or what type of work experience youve got, theres a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. Rather than writing emails, its often far better to pick up the telephone and speak to the individual responsible. After you have written and organized your information according to the kind of resume youve chosen, be certain to format it according to typical professional standards. Have a peek at these examples to select which format is right for you. To find some formatting suggestions for your resume, take a look at our samples. Elegant and contemporary template to stick out from the crowd. Top Rsume Secrets Its possible for you to use our resume building software to create your own from scratch. If youre like me, you might well discover that you own a slew of tabs open at the peak of your browser. The very first template on the list features an elegant black and white modern resume design that could be used for any job in any business. Take a look at our range of contemporary templates and get started creating an effective resume promptly. The Good, the Bad and Rsume For example, if youve got an important employment gap since your final position, you might want to use a functional resume rather than a chronological one. You list your latest position first. Now you have to find out the resume keywords and phrases employed for your intended position. When youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across field s to know how to vary using action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a potent accomplishment statement.

Monday, December 2, 2019

How To Follow Up On a Job Application An Email Template

How To Follow Up On a Job Application An Email Template How To Follow Up On a Job Application An Email TemplatePosted November 21, 2016, by Vivien LuuFollow-up emails are always tricky. You need to know whether you should cut yur losses and focus on other jobs out there, but you dont want to be that annoying candidate whos so pushy that they end up taking themselves out of the running. So if its been a few days after the designated deadline and you still havent heard from the interviewer, send them a short and sweet follow-up email.Subject lineFollow-up re name of positionBodyHi Sebastian, I hope youre well, and enjoying insert pleasantry here, e.g. this break from the insane heat. I wanted to follow up about the name of role, as you mentioned youd be making a decision by the end of last week. I am really excited about the opportunity to make a contribution in a specific way, and was wondering if you had any updates. Please let me know if theres anything I can provide to assis t you in the decision-making process. Best regards, Your nameStruggling to write a work-related email? Weve written 10 email templates so you dont have to ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searcheslondon resume templateconstruction resume templatefree resume templatemicrosoft word resignation letter templatebest cv template word CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire erreichbar Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire Online Vivien LuuViv is a writer who enjoys researching and writing about creativity, how the human mind works, and neuro processes. She values creativity above all else and admires people who pursu e their career dreams, no matter the sacrifice. In her spare time, she binges on HBO shows and epic fantasy novels.Related ArticlesBrowse moreCharles Sturt University (CSU)WORKFORCE TRENDSAgriculture What does the future hold?How will a growing global population feed itself? Thats the question facing the agriculture industry. We discussed the potential solutions with two of CSUs agricultural academic experts.STUDYINGHow To Pick The Right Course For YouStudying is an investment of your time and money. So when it comes to picking the right course for you, make sure you do your homework Heres our how-to-guide on choosing the perfect course.Career AdvisorsCAREER INSPIRATIONDear Career Counsellor, who are you?Do you know exactly the career you want and how youre going to get there? No. Youre not alone. In this article, we explore how a career counsellor can help you find a new focus to pursue a career you will love.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Kinesiologist Career Overview - Job Description, Skills, Duties, Education, Training, Job Outlook Salary

Kinesiologist Career Overview - Job Description, Skills, Duties, Education, Training, Job Outlook SalaryKinesiologist Career Overview - Job Description, Skills, Duties, Education, Training, Job Outlook SalaryKinesiologist Job DescriptionKinesiology is a component of health care that comprises of comprehensive study of the anatomy of the human body and mechanics. Kinesiologists specialize in the study of human body movement. They monitor human muscle movement to ease muscle pain through the use of diverse therapies.Kinesiologists help patients recuperate in case of physical injuries. They demonstrate useful exercise techniques that help patients handle traumatic injuries and post-surgical injuries.Create this ResumeKinesiologist Skills/DutiesKinesiologists help patients deal with physical injuries and also manage, rehabilitate, and prevent disorders that restrict movement. They show good muscle movements to check further pains, sprains and injuries.There are several domains of speci alization in kinesiology. Exercise kinesiologists learn about the effect of exercise on body functions in humans. Bio-mechanics kinesiologists manage patients suffering from physical disabilities that affect normal body movement. Psychomotor kinesiologists improve motor learning skills in patients suffering from autism, cerebral palsy, and other motor and neurological disorders. Ergonomic kinesiologists work in corporate settings and recommend appropriate body postures that will avert disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome, spondylosis, etc.Kinesiologist Education and Training For you to become a kinesiologist, you must have a Bachelors degree in kinesiology. Subjects such as physiology, anatomy, bio-medical engineering and psychology in high school are favored. For greater career options, bigger avenues and research jobs, you must study for a Masters degree. You must acquire a license issued by the State authorities to practice as a professional kinesiologist. You must pass the Nati onal Certification Exam for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork to get National certificates in fields related to therapeutic training and massage.Kinesiologist Job OutlookThe job outlook for kinesiologists is fairly good. Kinesiologists work in areas related to health, fitness and professional or personal training. Besides these, kinesiologsts also work closely with orthopedic doctors, athletic trainers and other health care professionals, who manage issues associated with body movements.Largely categorized, kinesiology is divided in to the following categoriesBio-medicalPersonal TrainingErgonomics and menschenwrdig FactorResearch and Rehabilitation AreaHealth Fitness and PromotionKinesiologists get employed in various departments like health care centers, athletic teams, corporate offices, health and fitness clubs, resorts, and spas.Whats more, there has been a boost in the demand for kinesiologists. Higher degrees in the field can quicken job opportunities and career growth possibil ities while, on the other hand, experience has a fundamental role to play in the career progress.Kinesiologist SalaryA kinesiologists salary depends on his work experience and the location of the job. The entry level salary for a kinesiologist is about is $30,000 to $36,000. Kinesiologists earnings are certainly bound to increase, considering the growth pattern of the health care and fitness industry. Customize ResumeMore Sample Career ArticlesGynecologist Career Hematologist Career Kinesiologist Career Medical Ethicist Career

Friday, November 22, 2019

6 Important Tax Tips for Military Families

6 Important Tax Tips for Military Families6 Important Tax Tips for Military FamiliesEven soldiers have to pay taxes. That said, military families have access to some unique tax-reducing strategies that arent available to civilians. Understanding and following the tax tips outlined below may help you cut your tax liability and put some extra money in your pocket. Deduct Your Moving Expenses Moving costs a lot, and when its due to a permanent change of station, (PCS), you arent always reimbursed for the costs. However, you may be able to deduct some of the expenses from your taxes. The IRS allows military families with PCS orders and unreimbursed moving expenses to write off reasonable costs associated with relocation and moving. Of course, the definition of reasonable can change, depending on your familys specific situation. So you should speak with a tax expert who can make sure that youre writing off everything thats allowable. And, as odd as it sounds, the IRSs website has som e valuable pointers. You Get Free Help With Your Taxes In most cases, civilians have to pay someone to help them with their taxes, but service members and their families have access to free tax help. Youll find that your base has a number of tax professionals on hand to help answer questions, provide guidance, and even help you file your taxes through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program. These individuals are all certified by the IRS and volunteer their time and expertise to assist military families with tax problems and concerns. Combat Pay Putting aside what you have to do to earn it, one of the benefits of combat pay is that your family doesnt have to include it in your annual income (which makes it tax-free). In certain circumstances, you may want to count combat pay as income. For example, increasing your annual earnings might make you eligible for certain tax credits such as the Earned Income Credits. Unfortunately, including or excluding combat pay is an all-o r-nothing deal, meaning that you either take the whole thing or none of it. Dont Sweat the Deadline Just the mention of April 15- the traditional deadline for filing taxes- is enough to strike fear into many civilians heart. But since servicemembers have so many other things to occupy their minds, they arent held to the same schedule. If youre going to miss the deadline to file, and youre stationed in a combat zone, you automatically gain an extra six months of time to get your information in. That applies whether youre paying your taxes or filing for a tax refund. Saving During Transition If you or your spouse are transitioning from military life to civilian life, you might have some tax write-offs that can save you a considerable amount of money. Some of the costs you incur having to do with finding employment, for example, could be deductible. These include assistance in creating a resume, travel for interviews and applying for work, and even some job placement fees. S pouse State Taxes Before the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act, military spouses had to pay income taxes to the state where they happen to be stationed, as well as to their official home state. It created a heavy burden. With the passing of the MSRRA, spouses are no longer required to pay both. They can now pay only the income taxes for their official state of residence, and avoid being taxed in where theyre living. It can offer significant relief if your home states tax rate is lower. There are many other ways to save on your taxes, so speak with a tax professional on base to learn more.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Social Sciences Resume Template

Customize this Outstanding Social Sciences Resume TemplateCustomize this Outstanding Social Sciences Resume TemplateWhat its Like to Work in the Social Services FieldIt takes years of schooling to qualify for the better jobs in the social services field. There are a wide variety of careers you can pursue, but they all revolve around helping people. You can choose to work for the many government agencies that administer services to the public, or you can work for a charitable organization thats active around the world. A career in social services involves a significant amount of interaction with groups and people of all kinds, as well as a lot of paperwork as well. There are procedures to follow and people to help each and every day.Benefits of Working in the Social Services FieldWith an accomplished social services resume, you can get a job that allows you to change the lives of people for the better. You can help an underprivileged child to afford a college education, or you can hel p a family displaced by a storm to get financial assistance. A social services job tends to be very stable, but it can also be extremely dynamic. The organizations that need social services professionals tend to hold onto their personnel for many years, and they also utilize those personnel in a variety of situations.Why You Need a Resume In the social services field, your resume outlines your educational background and your professional experience. its extremely difficult to advance your career in social services without a good social services resume.Social Sciences Resume TemplatesSociologyAnthropologists and Archeologists HistoriansResearchHow to write a Social Sciences Resume1. Start by listing your professional accomplishmentsGrab a separate piece of paper and craft a list of your Social Sciences career accomplishments.2. View Social Sciences resume samples to get startedBrowse through our resume samples to find one that can guide you as you make your own.3. Craft a compelling header at the top of your Social Sciences resumeYour header should include your name, phone number, email address, and personal website (if you have one). Make it professional, but attractive.4. Craft a strong summary statementCraft a short, interesting statement that tells your professional story. Include your accomplishments, skills, and most important areas of expertise.5. Detail your skills in a qualifications or areas of expertise sectionProvide a list of your talents in your Social Sciences resume. Check the job description to make sure the skills you mentioned align with those the employer wants. Place it under your summary statement.6. Spell out your experience in a work history section on your Social Sciences resumeList the jobs youve had in reverse chronological order. Write the dates you worked, the position you held, and the name of the company.7. Give an in-depth look at your Social Sciences work historyUnder each entry, write a bulleted explanation of your responsibili ties and accomplishments at those jobs. Review the job description and the list you made in step one as you do so.8. Provide your education at the bottomRemember to include the highest degree or diploma you obtained. Include the name of the school and the year you got it (or will get it).