Friday, March 13, 2020


HOW TO WRITE AN ELEVATOR PITCH - Your Career IntelWhat is an Elevator Pitch?An elevator pitch is a succinct and persuasive sales pitch that shouldnt be any longer than 30 seconds. This speech is really all about you. Youre going to outline who you are, what you do, and what you want to do if youre pertaining to a job search. Your elevator pitch is a way to share your expertise and credentials quickly and effectively with people who dont know you.How to Write an Elevator Pitch?Step One Define Who You AreTell the individual a little bit about yourself including name, job title and organization.Step Two Outline Your StrengthsExplain your strengths and skills. Mention any specific certifications and offer examples of how you have used your abilities to solve problems or drive results.Step Three Key ExperienceIdentify the important aspects of your professional experiences and formulate them into a succinct and focused few sentences. Where have you worked and what elemental experience do y ou bring to the table?Step Four ImpactHow have you reduced costs, improved efficiencies, generated leads, lowered waste, streamlined processes, increased revenue? Be specific. Show that you can both recognize business painsANDsolve them. Communicate precise solutions and achievements that you have delivered.Step Five LeadershipWhat skills, methods, capabilities make you a valuable organizational leader? The Big Mac has special sauce and KFC has 11 herbs and spices. What do you bring to an organization that is unique and powerful? Spell it out into words.Step Six Tell Them What You Are Looking ForLet them know your professional goals. Explain what type of role youre looking for or what you hope to accomplish in your professional career.Elevator Pitch TipsPreparationBefore everything else, getting ready is the secret of success.Henry Ford knew about preparation. He recognized that in order to build a well-constructed product, you must first gather the materials and perfect the tools n eeded in its assembly. Consider this approach with your own personal Elevator Pitch.Gather the MaterialsAn effectual Elevator Pitch consists of the short delivery of core messages. What are yours? Think about your accomplishments, abilities and goals. Write them down. Your Elevator Pitch shouldnt just reside in your mind make it a living, tangible document that you can review, edit and perfect.Perfect the ToolsIts not enough to compose your Elevator Pitch. When presented with an opportunity, you wont be reaching in your pocket for notes or passing along your LinkedIn profile. You need to be able to deliver yourpitch with assuredness, openness and conviction and to do it on the spot.Practice out loud in front of the mirror, in the car, before a trusted colleague or friend. An actor doesnt step on stage without rehearsing his lines, and neither should you. Preparing aloud gives you the chance to ensure that its convincing.Did you write a word or phrase that just doesnt roll off your tongue?Change it.Do you stumble on your points or confuse the listener?Clarify it.Does your speech reflect your current role or present goals?Revisit it.Segment your pitch and be able to adapt it to the situation at hand. If you enter the theoretical elevator in the lobby and your target presses the 5th floor, then you have a quick 30 seconds and youd better deliver a focused and succinct message. If the doors close and youre headed from the lobby to the 40th floor, you have additional time to expand and deliver your message. Being able to tailor your pitch to the realities of the situation helps ensure that you communicate without hesitation or regret.An effective and powerful Elevator Pitch doesnt just appear. You must consider it thoughtfully, develop it intentionally and practice it regularly. Make it compelling, and it can open doors and help grease the wheels of new opportunity.Elevator Pitch ExampleWeve outline everything you need to know while crafting your elevator pitch. But what does one actually look like? Let us break down an example of a perfect elevator pitchIm currently working in IT with a small software company. I enjoy helping others bring technology into their day-to-day jobs in order for them to be more efficient and successful. My goal is to eventually lead an IT team and help drive strategic IT initiatives and improve overall operations for a mid- to large-size organization.Questions or ideas about this topic? Let us know in the comments.

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